We did suffered during the period and recovered on middle of March. We have back our sweetness & happiness on April onwards and we are enjoying it yet not sure whether the destiny wanna give me and him more test ?! He is going to US for 2 months cause of his career and leaving me on this mid May......
Was so sad and don't feel like "release" him but i couldn't ! I missing him so much and hardly sleep at night without his smell beside me. I wish time pass faster to have him back with me.
Every time i am fed up of something and feel frustrated, i wish to hear his voice and encourages. But this makes me more sorrow cause of time zone different and we hardly make our time to chat.
And now, i found my new life !!! It's the picture below !!!!!
It's 1 of my birthday present of this year,it's not an easy task to capture this picture and he sent it to my office togother a bunch of red roses. Was so warm and full of love from him.
This is a very precious picture and present deep in my heart, not the beautifull of it but is the message and promises from him.
The glass photo frame was broken during our arguement, my heart was break at the same time too. So he gave me this soft copy in my lap top to put as wall paper as his mistake.
Whenever i feeling down, it always cheer me up and tell me he's always beside me and pass the tough life together with me . I LOVE YOU my dearest, i believe you could be the right guy in my life and treat me as your "BOU BUI", love me with your rest of life....
wah... so sweet... i also feel touching o
haha...hope it can be sweet all the time,you know la,we always have argue 1...
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